Welcome to Oro-Medonte
Minor Ball Association
The Oro-Medonte Minor Ball Association (OMMBA), is a volunteer-run, non-profit softball organization based in the Township of Oro-Medonte, Ontario.
The association is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors and was formed to allow children an opportunity to play an organized sport, develop a love of softball, learn to co-operate and play on a team, learn sportsman-like conduct, develop leadership skills, start physical fitness habits that will last a lifetime, encourage healthy living and have fun. OMMBA offers House League ball at designated diamonds within Oro-Medonte.
Games are once per week with a final tournament/wrap-up the last week of July.
We welcome children and youth from Oro-Medonte and surrounding municipalities.
Winning or losing doesn't matter - it's how you play the game.
T-Ball Game nights are Tuesdays starting May 6th. Please check here for details on where are ball diamonds are located.
T-Ball is an introduction to softball. There are no pitchers as the ball is placed on a Tee at home plate. Offensively players develop the ability to swing a bat and run the bases. Defensively all players are given an opportunity to learn to play the various positions and emphasis is placed on learning how to throw and catch a ball. Coaches assist on the field with positioning and base running.
All players are required to have their own glove and helmet with mask. Shirts and hats are provided and must be worn to all games.
Tyke Game nights are Mondays starting May 5th. Please check here for details on where are ball diamonds are located.
Tyke builds on the softball skills learned in T-Ball. The coaches pitch to the batters with a maximum 5 pitches per batter. Offensively players develop the ability to swing a bat at a pitched ball and to run the bases. Defensively all players are given an opportunity to learn to play the various positions and emphasis is placed on developing the ability to throw and catch a ball. Coaches assist on the field with positioning and base running.
All players are required to have their own glove and helmet with mask. Shirts and hats are provided and must be worn to all games.
Squirt Game nights are Thursdays starting May 15th. Please check here for details on where are ball diamonds are located.
Squirt continues to build on the softball skills learned in T-Ball and Tyke. At this level the offensive players underhand pitch to the batter. Offensively players will work on their hitting proficiency with a maximum of 3-strikes per at bat. Defensively all of the players will have an opportunity to play infield and outfield positions including underhand pitching.
All players are required to have their own glove and helmet with mask. Soft shoe spikes are allowed. No steel cleats. Shirts and hats are provided and must be worn to all games.
Peewee Game nights are Tuesdays starting May 6th. Please check here for details on where are ball diamonds are located.
Peewee has built their skills from all of their previous levels of softball. Each team will provide their own pitchers. All of the players will have an opportunity to play infield and outfield positions including underhand pitching.
All players are required to have their own glove and helmet with mask. Soft shoe spikes are allowed. No steel cleats. Shirts and hats are provided and must be worn to all games.