Oro-Medonte Minor Ball Association
Parent Corner
We are looking forward to another fun-filled summer of baseball!
Rules are carried by each coach as well as by the umpires and are posted on the Rules page here.
PLEASE NOTE that Parents/Guardians are not permitted to drop off and pick up, they are to REMAIN AT THE BALL DIAMOND for the duration of the game
and be accountable for their child/children!
Bats are supplied for each team. If your child is bringing a bat to use, please make certain that it is appropriate for their age. Watch to ensure your bat is approved for play in ASA, USSSA, and NSA fastpitch softball. Umpires and Coaches have the right to exclude any bat from use during a game. If use of inappropriate bats becomes an issue, players will be restricted to using only the bats provided by the association.
For a few of our umpires, this is their first season umpiring. Please remember that they are young and are learning the ropes. Be respectful.
Tournament Day will be held on the Saturday prior to the Civic Holiday weekend. Players will be notified of the playoff schedule near the end of the regular season. It will also be posted on the website.
Please note that alcohol is not permitted on any Township property and is an offence.
Rain-outs are determined by the coaches of the two teams playing no earlier than 5:30pm. Weather can vary between locations. Coaches will try to let parents know if games are called on account of rain, but sometimes the decision cannot be made until game time.
It is very important that you inform your Coach if your child will be absent so arrangements can be made to bring players up if required.
Game locations are at the Oro Lions, Shanty Bay, East Oro Public School and The Village Green Diamonds. The Oro Lions diamond is located behind the Guthrie Arena at the corner of Highway 11 and the 4th line of Oro-Medonte. The Shanty Bay diamond is on Shanty Bay Rd. (Ridge Rd.) just east of the 2nd Line. Do not park at the fire station because you will be ticketed. The Village Green diamond is located at the bottom of the second line (lake side). Parking is on Church St. only or on the diamond outfield (access from Bay St) at your own risk. The East Oro Public School diamonds are at 15/16 Side Road and Line 11 N.
While we take every concern brought to our attention seriously we ask that you keep in mind this Association is run by a handful of volunteers who dedicate their free time so children can play ball. We encourage you to offer a solution to any challenge that arises as well as your assistance. We are not here to resolve issues that do not directly benefit the improvement of the children or the game.
Any disrespect shown towards a Player, Coach, Umpire or Visitor will not be tolerated and will result in immediate removal from the property.
Our AGM will be held in early September. Everyone is encouraged to attend. We will review the past season, form an executive for next season, and fill volunteer positions. It is the assistance of the volunteers that make Oro Medonte Minor Ball possible. Please consider becoming part of this group. Here are some of the volunteer tasks:
Executie Member
Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and other positions. These are the people who decide how the organization is to be run. Meetings are held a few times per year.
Registration Admin
Compiles registration information
Tournament Day
Setup and run concession stand
If you know some baseball, help out your child’s team as a coach.
Arrange teams. Act as a central communication person for the coaches. Collect wins/losses at the end of the season. One convener per division.
Umpire Chief
Schedule and manage the umpires.
Organize and purchase trophies for the tournament.
Inventory equipment at the start and end of the season. Purchase required equipment.
Liaise with the photographer and organize the photograph day.
Sponsorship of a team is a great way to promote your local business at a low cost while helping the association.
Sponsorship Convenior
A spring job looking for 15 to 25 local companies to sponsor teams. Hand out team plaques to the sponsors at the end of the season.
Organize the purchase of team uniforms with sponsor names at the start of the season.
Scheduling of the games/diamonds for the regular season and the tournament.
Registration advertising through the local papers, schools, etc.
Township Liason
Booking diamonds and meeting rooms.