Oro-Medonte Minor Ball Association
All games begin PROMPTLY AT 6:15pm! Delay of game will result in forfeit. Please ARRIVE BY 6:00pm to practice with your team and help set up for the same.
You must contact your coach if you will be absent, giving as much notice as possible so they can arrange to pick up another player(s) if required.
Extremely weather policy: Home coach must contact opposing coach to cancel due to extremely weather (we play in light rain). Home coach must inform the umpire and contact the convenor to set up a make up game date.
Game cancellations: Determined by the coaches of the Home Team or by the Board of Directors upon receiving notification of diamond closure by the Township. In the event of a game cancellation, your coach will reach out to the parents as soon as possible.
PLEASE NOTE that Parents/Guardians are to REMAIN AT THE BALL DIAMOND